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4900 block of Lombard Ln in Dale City VA - Sink-hole
Andy and the Stretchy Ball Players
Bad Day at Work
Blizzard of 2009 - from Ann
Blizzard of 2009 - from Mike
Christmas Party 2009 - Jim P
Christmas Party 2009 - Mike
Christmas Party 2009 - Steve
Clint-You Are My Hero
Clint - Clearwater Beach Boat Races - 2009
Creed at Nissan August 2009
DC 101 Chili Cook Off 2009
Fall Pictures 2009
First boat run of 2009 - Tims 1 Water Stock 09 - and other Labor Day Pics
Fun at Tokyo Japanese Steak House - Sushi Bar
Jettes Cook-Out
Jettes Cook-Out 2
Mike 0 - Bar1 Joe 0 - L and Bs 1
Mike at Nags Head 2009 Sat-Mon
Mike at Nags Head 2009 Tues-Fri
Mikes Boat Before After Detailing
More Fun at Mikes with Special Guest Tanya Montana
More Pics from Mouses
Ned Ann and Mike go to DC on the boat 2009
Ned and Ann go Hot Air Ballooning in New Mexico
Ned and Ann in Belgium and Holland 2008 Part 1
Ned and Ann in Belgium and Holland 2008 Part 2
Ned and Ann in New Mexico
New Years 2009 2010
RockFish Football Pool and Partying Nov 2009
Snow Dec 2009
Stiffdidy is a Great Father
WillyBender at his Best

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